
I have this simple ednpoint method:

@ApiMethod(name = "createCategory")
public RCategory createCategory(@Named("userHash")String userHash, @Nullable @Named("synchronously")Boolean synchronously, Category category) throws AccessForbiddenException, DuplicateEntityNameException, SubscriptionRequiredException {
    User user = OwlEndpoint.getUser(userHash);
    if (!user.hasSubscriptionActive()) throw new SubscriptionRequiredException();

    //Sprawdzam czy w profilu uzytkownika jest wiecej niz on sam (o ile w ogole ma profil)
    List<Long> usersInProfileIds = getUsersInProfilesIds(user);

    if (ofy().load().type(Category.class).filter("creatorId in", usersInProfileIds).filter("name", category.getName()).count() > 0) throw new DuplicateEntityNameException();

    if (synchronously != null && synchronously) ofy().save().entity(category).now();
    else ofy().save().entity(category);

    return new RCategory(category, user.getId());

It works just fine on the DEV server, but after uploading to GAE it started to fail. I found this in the logs, but that doesn't make sense to me:

    Request URL:
    Method: myappendpoint.createCategory
    Error Code: 400
    Reason: badRequest    
    Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: offset may not be above 1000
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I made this method:

public static boolean hasItems(Query query) {
    Iterator it = query.iterator();
    return it.hasNext();

I'm using it to define, if there is at least one element on the query without using count(). Still would like to know how can I use count() and how can not...

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