
(defun rep(list)
(format t"~a~%" list)
        ((null list) nil)
        ((atom (car list)) (cons (car list) (rep  (cdr list))))
        ((listp (car list))  (cons (car (reverse (car list))) (cdr list)))
        (t (rep list))

Write a function to replace each sublist of a list with its last element. A sublist is an element from the first level, which is a list. Example:

(a (b c) (d (e (f)))) ==> (a c (e (f))) ==> (a c (f)) ==> (a c f)
     (a (b c) (d ((e) f))) ==> (a c ((e) f)) ==> (a c f)

I have the above problem to solve. Got it till one point but I'm stuck. Apparently it doesn't go to the next elements in the list and I don't know why. Any ideas?

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Solution 2

Did it without using map functions

(defun rep(list)
        ((null list) nil)
        ((listp (car list)) (rep (cons (car (reverse (car list))) (rep (cdr list)))))
        (t (cons (car list) (rep (cdr list))))


I would break it down like this:

(defun last-element (lst)
  (if (listp lst)
    (last-element (car (last lst)))

(defun rep (lst)
  (when lst
    (cons (last-element (car lst)) (rep (cdr lst)))))


(rep '(a (b c) (d (e (f)))))
=> '(A C F)
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