
In big-O notation is O((log n)^k) = O(log n), where k is some constant (e.g. the number of logarithmic for loops), true?

I was told by my professor that this statement was true, however he said it will be proved later in the course. I was wondering if any of you could demonstrate its validity or have a link where I could confirm if it is true.

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(1) It is true that O(log(n^k)) = O(log n).

(2) It is false that O(log^k(n)) (also written O((log n)^k)) = O(log n).

Observation: (1) has been proven by nmjohn.

Exercise: prove (2). (Hint: f(n) = log^2 n is O(log^2 n). Is it O(log n)? What is a sufficiently large constant c such that, for all n greater than n0, c log n > log^2 n?)


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Are you sure he didn't mean O(log n^k), because that equals O(k*log n) = k*O(log n) = O(log n).

O(log n) is a class of functions. You cannot perform computations such as ^k on it. Thus, the term O(log n)^k does not even look sensible to me.

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