
When I type self. a popup will automatically select the first one and will never change no matter what input is given. For example, match 1 of 52 is shown.

After <Esc> is used to return to normal mode and enter insert mode again then YouCompleteMe works correctly again. It will show Back at Original and automatically updates with different input.

OS: Kubuntu 13.04

Vim version: 7.4.5

Possibly related plugin: ultisnips


~/vimConf  ± master ●  2014-02-12 16:37:37,251 - DEBUG - Global extra conf not loaded or no function YcmCorePreload
serving on localhost:

2014-02-12 16:37:38,931 - INFO - Received health request
2014-02-12 16:37:38,935 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:38,935 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:39,012 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:39,013 - DEBUG - Event name: FileReadyToParse
2014-02-12 16:37:39,013 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/kamel/vimConf/my_configs.vim

2014-02-12 16:37:39,086 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:39,087 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:39,147 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:39,148 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:39,149 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:39,150 - DEBUG - Event name: FileReadyToParse
2014-02-12 16:37:39,150 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/kamel/vimConf/my_configs.vim

2014-02-12 16:37:50,482 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:50,483 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:50,533 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:50,534 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:50,545 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:50,545 - DEBUG - Event name: FileReadyToParse
2014-02-12 16:37:50,546 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/kamel/labola/src/app/mixin/

2014-02-12 16:37:50,711 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:50,712 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:50,748 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:50,749 - DEBUG - Event name: BufferVisit
2014-02-12 16:37:50,750 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:37:50,752 - DEBUG - Event name: FileReadyToParse
2014-02-12 16:37:50,752 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/kamel/labola/src/app/mixin/

2014-02-12 16:37:57,893 - INFO - Received completion request
2014-02-12 16:37:57,894 - DEBUG - Using filetype completion: False
2014-02-12 16:37:58,055 - INFO - Received completion request
2014-02-12 16:37:58,056 - DEBUG - Using filetype completion: False
2014-02-12 16:37:58,184 - INFO - Received completion request
2014-02-12 16:37:58,184 - DEBUG - Using filetype completion: False
2014-02-12 16:37:58,297 - INFO - Received completion request
2014-02-12 16:37:58,298 - DEBUG - Using filetype completion: False
2014-02-12 16:39:37,853 - INFO - Received event notification
2014-02-12 16:39:37,853 - DEBUG - Event name: FileReadyToParse
2014-02-12 16:39:37,853 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/kamel/labola/src/app/mixin/


Fixed: It is due to the python-mode autocomplete. When

let g:pymode_rope_complete_on_dot = 0

is set in the .vimrc, it is solved!

Was it helpful?


It is due to the conflict with python-mode autocomplete.

let g:pymode_rope_complete_on_dot = 0

in the .vimrc, it is solved!

As it is not recommended to use auto completion of pymode and YouComplateMe at the same time, use the following to command to cancel the pymode completion totally.

let g:pymode_rope_completion = 0
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