
For the same reasons the "Standard" mode isolates Azure Web Sites from specific subscriptions from each other, a single account holder (company) might want to isolate Azure Web Sites within a single subscription from each other. Is it possible?

Note: We only have a single subscription to test things out, so we assume that web sites from different subscriptions are isolated, but it might be a bad assumption.

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The Web Hosting Plans feature in Azure Web Site can help with isolating sites in "Standard" mode between each other. For example you can create two (or more) web hosting plans, put different sites in them and then scale those web hosting plans to "Standard". Azure will allocate different sets of VM's to each Web Hosting Plan and sites will be isolated from each other.

More information here:


It sounds like the suggestion "it should be possible to scale websites individually, even when they are in same region" is spot on regarding this issue. The idea is "under review" as of Dec 23, 2013, so the current answer is that no, it isn't possible yet.

Update: Closed (WONTFIX) as of March 20, 2014, though apparently based on a misunderstanding or simply incorrect information (see comment on the suggestion thread). There's still a chance they might reopen when they realize this (or when the issue pops up again in the future), though I wouldn't rely on this assumption.

Thanks BrentDaCodeMonkey for clarifying that sites are grouped to run on sets of instances within regions / data centers as opposed to just by subscription. I guess a "work-around" would be to isolate sites in different data centers, though it's likely that it may be more cumbersome than anything in many cases.

Update: Feature announced on April 4, 2014.

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