
given the following: where data is a string received as an AJAX value and data has a value of 'good':

console.log data          # good
console.log typeof data   # string
console.log typeof 'data' # string

if data is 'good'
  console.log 'test' # NOTHING!!!

I don't understand...

makes me want the good ol' JavaScript back...

A more complete example after a suggestion:

The following does not work either...

    if $(this).val() != original_slug
      value = encodeURIComponent $(this).val()
      console.log value
      $.get('/live_validate/slug?slug='+value, (data)->

        console.log data
        console.log typeof data
        console.log typeof 'data'

        if (data == 'good') {


update 2

oddly enough:

console.dir data
console.dir 'good'

No Properties

No Properties

update 3


  if @slug.nil?
    @message = "good"
    @message = "bad"


!= @message


new_data = data.replace /^\s+|\s+$/g, ""


same sh*t.

update 4 + answer

This code ended up being what I needed, at first it didn't work quite well with everything else I had going on, but it is the final piece in the puzzle, allowing me to make sure there are no invisible spaces before or after the received string.

    $.get('/live_validate/slug?slug='+value, (data)->
        # console.log data

        stripped_data = data.replace /^\s+|\s+$/g, ""

        # console.log encodeURIComponent data
        # console.log (data.charCodeAt(i) for i in [])       

        if stripped_data is 'good'
        else if stripped_data is 'bad'
Was it helpful?

Solution 2

It ended up being an invisible character at the end of the ajax response string... thanks all!


This is weird, but my guess is that one of the two 'good' strings in the comparison is using Unicode characters that resemble, but are not equal to, the ASCII characters you're expecting.

Try this:

console.log (data.charCodeAt(i) for i in [])

When data = 'good', I get

[ 103, 111, 111, 100 ]
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