
CMIS is a protocol with several optional bindings: Atom, WSDL, Browser.

According to Alfresco's documentation:

Currently Alfresco supports the atom binding for the CMIS 1.0 protocol,
and both the atom and browser bindings for the CMIS 1.1 protocol.

In fact, Alfresco also has a (undocumented?) WSDL binding for CMIS 1.0 at URL http://server/alfresco/cmisws/cmis?wsdl.

Similarly, is there a WSDL binding for CMIS 1.1, and if yes, at what URL?

I have tried http://server/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/wsdl and many similar URLs but no luck so far.

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The Web Services binding is not supported for CMIS 1.1 in Alfresco 4.2.e Community Edition or 4.2.0 Enterprise. Maybe it will be in a future release but I doubt it.

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