
I have a table list with many input fields that has the jqueury datpicker in it. Every input field has as class datepicker and a random id number. when clicked in the input field teh datpicker pops up. With a click on he date the dtae gets inserted. So the he datepicker works fine. But now i want to add an image or text link next to the input field, and when i click on the image/text the content on the input field changes into the selected text. But untill now i cannot combine datepicker and this fucntion into one....

example i tried:

 <input type="text" id="a11" class="datepicker" name="sterilizationdate_1" value="<?php echo $sterilizationdate_1?>">
    <a href="#" class="CSA" onClick="addTextTag('To sterilization'); return false">CSA</a>

and the javascript


I tested this code without the datepicker and it just works fine... why cant i combine the two?


custom text insert in datepicker

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You are trying to get the val() of input tag but calling val on anchor tag



Maybe you have another problem on how you call the Datepicker.

You can try:

$('a.CSA').on('click', function(){

Instead of:


Please this link .on()

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