
Given a sorted array A[1...n] of keys, and another key, x, stored in A, show how to find the index, k, so that A[k] = x in time O(log(k)).

I know that a binary search on a sorted array would be completed in O(logn), on average, but what would be the best way to show a run time of O(logk), as described above, for a sorted array?
I appreciate any help.

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Do an exponential search, starting with index m=1 then doubling m each time, until the array element at m is greater than x. Then, do the normal binary search on the subset of the array below the final m.


Binary search giving O(log N) is the standard approach. I'm not sure if O(log k) is a misprint, a semi-equivalence, or suggests "biasing" the search towards the low end o the range.

Maybe a binary search using a non-halfway midpoint.. since differential of log is log, perhaps using log() function to choose a midpoint at each iteration?

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