
Do I need a heavy weight aspect oriented programming library to duck-type methods with before and after join point advice, or can I do it in a few lines of Ruby?

For example, I have the following function:

def add_them(a,b)
     a + b

I want to duck-type add_them() with a before join point so it type-checks before executing the main body:

 if (a.class != b.class)
   puts "DANGER"

The naive way of duck-typing destroys the original add_them(). Ideally I want to end up with:

def foo
   #before join point code
   #original body of foo
   #after join point code
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There are two ways to do this.

First, if you're mixing a module into your class, you can simply call super to call the overridden method:

class Foo
  def bar(a, b)
    a + b

module TypeEnforcer
  def bar(a, b)
    raise "Wrong type!" unless a.is_a? Fixnum && b.is_a? Fixnum

Foo.send :include, TypeEnforcer

If you're monkey patching by reopening the same class, though, you would use alias_method to create a "backup" of the method you're overwriting:

class Foo
  alias_method :orig_bar, :bar
  def bar(a, b)
    raise "Wrong type!" unless a.is_a? Fixnum && b.is_a? Fixnum
    orig_bar(a, b)

Finally, while this doesn't answer your question, you might be interested in contracts.ruby which uses Ruby metaprogramming magic to add type contracts to methods. It does have a bit of performance overhead, but it's a very clean way to express this kind of behavior.

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