
I am developing a platform with JSON API using Python Flask. In some cases I need to join three tables. How to join tables with a array of IDs gave me some guidance but I need a solution beyond it.

Let's assume we have three tables for a messaging app.

  1. Accounts
  2. Conversations
  3. Messages
  4. Message Readers

Accounts table snippet

    "id": "account111",
    "name": "John Doe",

Conversations table snippet

    "id": "conversation111",
    "to": ["account111", "account222", "account333"], // accounts who are participating the conversation
    "subject": "RethinkDB",

Messages table snippet

    "id": "message111",
    "text": "I love how RethinkDB does joins.",
    "from": "account111", // accounts who is the author of the message
    "conversation": "conversation111"

Message Readers table snippet

    "id": "messagereader111",
    "message": "message111",
    "reader": "account111",

My question is "What's the magic query to get the document below when I receive a get request on an account document with id="account111"?"

    "id": "account111",
    "name": John Doe,
    "conversations": [            // 2) Join account table with conversations
           "id": "conversation111",
           "name": "RethinkDB",
           "to": [                     // 3) Join conversations table with accounts
                    "id": "account111",
                    "name": "John Doe",
                    "id": "account222",
                    "name": "Bobby Zoya",
                    "id": "account333",
                    "name": "Maya Bee",
           "messages": [        // 4) Join conversations with messages
                   "id": "message111",
                   "text": "I love how RethinkDB does joins.",
                   "from": {        // 5) Join messages with accounts
                        "id": "account111",
                        "name": "John Doe",
                   "message_readers": [
                           "name": "John Doe",
                           "id": "account111",

Any guidance or advice would be fantastic. JavaScript or Python code would be awesome.

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I had a hard time understanding what you want (you have multiple documents with the id 111), but I think this is the query you are looking for

Python query:

r.table("accounts").map(lambda account: 
        "conversations": r.table("conversations").filter(lambda conversation: 
            conversation["to"].contains(account["id"])).coerce_to("array").map(lambda conversation:
                "to": conversation["to"].map(lambda account: 
                    r.table("accounts").get(account)).pluck(["id", "name",]).coerce_to("array"),
                "messages": r.table("messages").filter(lambda message:
                    message["conversation"] == conversation["id"]).coerce_to("array").map(lambda message:
                        "from": r.table("accounts").get(message["from"]).pluck(["id", "name",]),
                        "readers": r.table("message_readers").filter(lambda message_reader:
                            message["id"] == message_reader["message"]).coerce_to("array").order_by(r.desc("created_on")),
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