
I'm developing an Android app using MonoDroid. I'm developing against a Motorola Xoom running Android 3.0 Honeycomb.

It seems that MonoDroid only binds against Android up to 2.3... Not really a problem, my app still runs great on the tablet.

The issue is: Honeycomb displays a status bar along the bottom of the screen, which I can't work out how to hide (my app is a full screen, 'kiosk')

I see the API to use here: Where is API call to do "lights out mode" in honeycomb?

Unfortunately, it's not available to me in MonoDroid (presumably, because the highest API target I can set is 2.3)

Any way for me to call this function on MonoDroid?

Thank you for any help

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You can use Mono for Android's JNI support to invoke methods that aren't currently bound. A quick (and completely untested) "port" to call setSystemUiVisibility:

View v = FindViewById(R.Id.view_id)
IntPtr View_setSystemUiVisibility = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(v.Class.Handle,
        "setSystemUiVisibility", "(I)V");
// from:
JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod(v.Handle, View_setSystemUiVisibility,
        new JValue (STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN));
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