
Why does logstash import the same file everytime I restart it?

I have 3 different log files within the same folder (C:/temp/ in this example). Everytime I restart logstash, the files are being imported again! Is this expected?


input { 
  file { 
    type => "app" 
    path => [ "C:/temp/*.log" ] 
    codec => "json" 

output { 
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }
  elasticsearch { embedded => true }

This is the command which I use to run logstash (I'm using Windows):

java -jar logstash-1.3.3-flatjar.jar agent -f logstash.conf -- web

I know the files are being imported everytime I restart because they are being output to the console and I can see the same log messages appearing several times when browsing the logs through kibana.

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Answering my own question:

In fact, this is not expected and it's a known bug for windows. You can check it here here and here (quote below).

After several tests on Linux and Windows, I realized that if logstash is (re-) started on Windows, all logs are parsed from the beginning again. It does not matter if I set a start_position or an since_db path, or an combination of both, the setting will be ignored.


I fixed this by manually patching logstash-1.3.3-flatjar.jar with some changes made by edwinf to ruby-filewatch. In case you want to do the same:

  1. Open and download buftok.rb, tail.rb, watch.rb and winhelper.rb
  2. Open logstash-1.3.3-flatjar.jar using any zip file editor and put the downloaded files inside the folder named "filewatch" (replace the original files)
  3. Download JRubyFileExtension.jar from
  4. Put this file at the root of logstash-1.3.3-flatjar.jar (while opening it with a zip file editor).
  5. Done. Logstash must be rerun, of course :)

The pull request which fixes this issue can be found at

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