
I'm enclosing my app in a Polymer element and I want to use another polymer element inside it. To call all the method of the inner element I'm trying to use $[]. Insider the external polymer element I have this:

ImageEditor ime;
DivElement div2;
ImageTool.created(): super.created(){
  div2 = $["secondDiv"];
  ime = $["imageEditor1"]

In the Html I simply have:

<polymer-element name="da-imagetool">
<div class="images" id="mainDiv">
  <da-imageeditor id="imageEditor1" name="ied"></da-imageeditor>

with the script src at the end. For some reason I get an exception when I assign the imageEditor1 to ime.

Exception: type 'HtmlElement' is not a subtype of type 'ImageEditor' of 'value'.

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It looks like the browser hasn't upgraded the <da-imageeditor> elements.

Make sure that you <import> the <da-imageeditor> element, and have the correct @CustomTag annotation on the ImageEditor class declaration.


This is most likely an issue with the import path. If you don't use the right path the type is not recognized (canonicalization problem)

This bug should be solved since a while but I haven't worked with Polymer since.

Show your import paths (HTML and Dart) and the directory structure of your app (where is your entry page and your Polymer elements) then I'll take a look.

Which version of dart-polymer are you using? With the 0.9.5, the following lines:

XElement.created(): super.created() { print($['el-id']); }

void enteredView() { print($['el-id']); }

In created(), the referred element gives nothing whereas in enteredView(), it does refer to the specific element of the shadow root.

The behavior disappears if shadowRoot.querySelector('#el-id') is used in lieu of the shorthand map $['el-id'].

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