
I have a DatePicker in ExtJS4. I only want to allow TWO dates for each month. The 15th and last day (30/31/28/29 depending on month/year)

How can I disable every day in the picker but allow those two dates?

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See disabledDates config option for Ext.form.field.Date

From API docs:

disabledDates : String[] An array of "dates" to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular expression so they are very powerful. Some examples:

// disable these exact dates:
disabledDates: ["03/08/2003", "09/16/2003"]
// disable these days for every year:
disabledDates: ["03/08", "09/16"]
// only match the beginning (useful if you are using short years):
disabledDates: ["^03/08"]
// disable every day in March 2006:
disabledDates: ["03/../2006"]
// disable every day in every March:
disabledDates: ["^03"]

Note that the format of the dates included in the array should exactly match the format config. In order to support regular expressions, if you are using a date format that has "." in it, you will have to escape the dot when restricting dates. For example: ["03\.08\.03"].


//Get the last date of the month. If in Feb 2012, lastDate is 29.
var lastDate = Ext.Date.getDaysInMonth(new Date());
var middleDate = 15;

//Construct regular expression
var disabledArray=[];
var today = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'm/d/Y');
var dateReg = /(\d{2}\/)\d{2}(\/\d{4})/;
disabledArray.push(today.replace(dateReg, '$1' + middleDate + '$2'));
disabledArray.push(today.replace(dateReg, '$1' + lastDate + '$2'));

//Something like "^(?!02/15/2012|02/29/2012).*$" including the two days allowed.
var disabledReg = '^(?!' + disabledArray.join('|') + ').*$';

//Apply the regular expression to date field
var dateField = new Ext.form.field.Date({
    format: 'm/d/Y',
    disabledDates: [disabledReg]
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