
I'm using Ext.NET 1.2. I need to create a ColumnTree in my system.


<ext:ColumnTree ID="colProjects" runat="server" RootVisible="false" Title="Projetos" EnableDD="true">    
        <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server">
                <ext:Button ID="btnExpandAll" runat="server" Text="Expandir Tudo">
                        <Click Handler="#{colProjects}.expandAll();" />
                <ext:Button ID="btnCollapseAll" runat="server" Text="Recolher Tudo">
                        <Click Handler="#{colProjects}.collapseAll();" />
                <ext:TreeNodeUIProvider Alias="col" ClassName="<%# ColumnTree.ColumnNodeUI %>" AutoDataBind="true" />
        <ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Nome" Width="330" DataIndex="Name" />
        <ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Sistema" Width="100" DataIndex="ProjectGroup" />
        <ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Recurso" Width="100" DataIndex="SprintOwner" />
        <ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Status" Width="100" DataIndex="Status" />            

I populate it dynamically via codebehind which works well. The last column needs to be editable and updated to the database but I have no idea whether or not it is possible to do so. How can I do that?

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With 1.2 version of Ext.NET you can't do this.

Found at Ext.NET forum message from mcgill, author of Ext.NET.

At the moment Editors are not supported on the Component.

We did some preliminary investigation and will add this as a Feature Request to implement in a future release.

There is a problem though... I think this functionality may be included in the next major release of Ext.NET (v2). But that release is a ways off yet.

As a solution I recommend you to look at this example:

You can do this in your project for grid and without unnecessary request to the server.

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