
I'm receiving the following compile-time issue with this extension method.

error CS1061: 'SomeClass' does not contain a definition for 'SomeProperty' and
    no extension method 'SomeProperty' accepting a first argument of type 'SomeClass' could be found (are
    you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The classes are all within the same project and it appears I can declare the class without issue. How do I resolve this?

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class SomeClassListEx 
    public static List<SomeClass> SomeMethod<SomeClass>(this IEnumerable<SomeClass> list, int id) // where T : SomeClass
        List<SomeClass> result = new List<SomeClass> ();

        foreach (SomeClass something in list)
                result.Add (something);

        return result;


public abstract class SomeClass : IEquatable<SomeClass>
    public SomethingElse SomeProperty { get; set; }


public interface SomethingElse
    List<int> SomeList { get; }
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You made your method generic, so after SomeMethod<SomeClass> SomeClass is no longer your class, it's a generic parameter, which can be replaced by anything when you actually call the method.

Your extension method shouldn't be generic:

public static List<SomeClass> SomeMethod(this IEnumerable<SomeClass> list, int id)
    List<SomeClass> result = new List<SomeClass> ();

    foreach (SomeClass something in list)
            result.Add (something);

    return result;


In addition to @MarcinJuraszek's answer, I would say if you want to make it generic for your various subclasses that will derive from the abstract class SomeClass, you can do this:

Note I use the generic parameter T here, and add the generic constraint where T : SomeClass which you had commented out in your code. It was confusing because you were using the same name of a class as your generic paramter name; this wouldn't be allowed.

public static List<T> SomeMethod<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, int id)  where T : SomeClass
    List<T> result = new List<T>();

    foreach (T something in list)
        if (something.SomeProperty.SomeList.Contains(id))

    return result;
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