
I have to instrument certain statements in clang by adding a statement just before it. I have a pointer to an Expr object using which I need to insert another statement just before the statement containing it. Right now I am using a hacky approach which just moves back the SourceLocation pointer till I see a ; or } or {. But this does not work for all cases. eg when I try to instrument a for statement, it fails. Is there any class in clang which provides a method to do this in a more cleaner way?

EDIT: Here is snippet of my code. I need to insert an assert just before the statement containing a pointer dereference.

bool MyRecursiveASTVisitor::VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *E){
    if (E->getOpcode() == UO_Deref ){
        Expr *e1 = E->getSubExpr();
        SourceLocation SL = E->getLocStart();
    return true;
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You can use getSourceRange() on the statement which returns SourceRange SourceRange Class has getBegin() which will return SourceLocation.

you can checkout and see an example there...


In order to extract Expr out of Stmt you can checkout this SO question How to get Stmt class object from Expr object in Clang

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