
Writing a good quality software should be the first step. For now that is kind of moving goal.( We have some thing along the lines of We also have regression test suite and test environment similar to some select customers. ) What ever we do, there are cases where only customer see and get crash/error. Sometime they just have performance problem. Some time is a crash, sometime an application object model error.

Generally , how can I reduce the pain? How can I get most (data) out of such situation? What kind of coding/architecture steps that could help in getting more information when problem occurs first time and second time?

Here are the starting points:

Good logging: log4j is starting point. User should able to change the file easily. Providing a small gui to edit such file will be even better. (our logging configuration was sitting in c:/Program Files/ area in windows 7; editing that is not easy for normal users - requires the magical "run as administrator" option.).

Heap Dump : Dumping heap when out-of memory happens.

Automatic submission of error reports: Firefox, intellij etc are good examples. Not sure if there is a ready made library for this.

JMX: For server applications this seems to very useful. I never used it.

A tool to detect system requirements: I am yet to do it.

Ability to automatically upgrade:

Ours is mainly java desktop application that interact with server. I guess there are more steps we could adopt till we get desired quality :)

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For server applications consider a tool like Dynatrace (non-free but good) to get a semi-realtime look into your code.

Not exactly in par with your question, but in general try to find errors before they get to GA via tools like FindBugs and Sonar.

I don't know of a auto-error-submission library but a quick RESTfull web service would be easy to build an very valuable.

Sorry, this isn't an overly complete answer but a few bits I've picked up over the years.


A couple of suggestions:

  1. Good QA before rolling out products to customers including performance and load testing.
  2. Sufficient / appropriate client and server side logging in order to help diagnose problems when they occur.
  3. Training (beta) customers on bug writing guidelines. This might include capturing release information from a Help | About, including precise steps for reproducing an issue, screenshots and log information. It's much harder to diagnose a problem when the reports are incomplete.
  4. A lot of problems are data specific and require copies of customer data to reproduce. If possible, maintain test environments which include customer data / configuration.
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