
The first array contains the headers and the other array contains the data to be populated. I am able to create the headers but I am having issues populating the data according to the headers.

$columns =([0]=>firstname, [1]=>lastname, [2]=>class);

And the data.

array[0](['firstname']=>kevin, ['lastname']=>kaburu, ['class']=>1) 
array[1](['firstname']=>kevin, ['lastname']=>kaburu, ['class']=>1)
array[2](['firstname']=>kevin, ['lastname']=>kaburu, ['class']=>1)
array[3](['firstname']=>kevin, ['lastname']=>kaburu, ['class']=>1))

Let me make this more clear

The thing is that I have two table the first one has columns while the other one has records, with foreign key pointing to the column in which they belong. The columns keep on changing so it is extremely dynamic. I want to populatw this data into a table ... give me the available options.

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Solution 3

At last I managed to sort the issue.... This is my code



$recdata = $sql->showuploadedrecords($evntid);
        $coldata =$sql->showuploadedcols($evntid);
        $colmns = array();
        foreach ($coldata as $ky => $valu) {
            $colname = $valu['column_name'];
            $colmns[] = $colname;

        $records = array();
        $total = count($recdata)/count($colmns);
        for ($i = 1; $i < $total +1; $i++) {
             $one =array();
            foreach ($recdata as $k => $v) {



             $records[] = $one;


        $this->render('ViewUploaded', array('colmns' => $colmns,
            'data' => $records));

And on my View:

`echo '<tr role="row">';
            foreach ($colmns as $value) {
                echo '<th  class="sorting_asc" role="columnheader" tabindex="0" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_2" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 219px;" aria-sort="ascending" aria-label="Rendering engine: activate to sort column descending">'. $value . '</th>';   

            echo '</tr>';



                       foreach ($data as $key => $v) {
                            echo '<tr>'; 

                          for ($k = 0; $k < count($colmns); $k++) {

                       foreach ($v as $cell) {

                           if($cell['column_name']== $colmns[$k]){




                        echo '</tr>'; 






insert this after your data declaration:

$dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($data, array(
    //CDataProvider options, sort, etc..

change the render call to include passing the dataProvider to your view:

$this->render('view', array(
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

in view:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
    // other CGridView options
)); ?>

Refer this Link:

You can create gridview with use of CArrayDataProvider.

This link cotain example code which is exactly match with your requirement.

Without using Yii method:

  foreach($columns  as $s)
     echo "<th>$s</th>";
  foreach($data as $d)
     echo "<tr>";
     foreach($d as $cols)
       echo "<td>".$cols."</td>";// hope all columns are present in second array.
     echo "</tr>";
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