Given a cell array of vectors, delete vectors that are subsets of any other vector


  •  14-10-2022
  •  | 


I wanna delete all the subsets of cell c, suppose I have 6 cell vectors: c{1}=[1 2 3]; c{2}=[2 3 4]; c{3}=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; c{4}=[2 3 4 7]; c{5}=[2 3 7]; c{6}=[4 5 6]; then I wanna delete [1 2 3], [2 3 4] and [4 5 6]. I used two for loops to find all these subsets, but it's too slow for large datasets, is there any simple way can do this?

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The following code removes a vector if it's a subset of any other vector. The approach is very similar to my answer to this other question:

n = numel(c);
[i1 i2] = meshgrid(1:n); %// generate all pairs of cells (their indices, really)
issubset = arrayfun(@(k) all(ismember(c{i1(k)},c{i2(k)})), 1:n^2); %// subset?
issubset = reshape(issubset,n,n) - eye(n); %// remove diagonal
c = c(~any(issubset)); %// remove subsets

Note that, in your example, [2 3 7] should also be removed.


You could find the cells that are exact matches for a particular input vector s1 using the following approach:

indx = find(cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)strcmp(num2str(x),num2str(s1)),c,'un', 0)));

You can then loop over matches (which should now be a much smaller set), and remove them by setting their contents to an empty set:

for ii=1:length(indx)
    c{:,ii} = [];
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