
I have configured a virtual host for an nginx server on my localhost, however everytime I restart/standby my pc the hosts file gets returned to its previous state.

I have a feeling it has something to do with installing a cracked version of adobe cs6 that involved a shell script but it was so long ago I can't remember.

How would I go about finding this script and stopping it from executing? It's really tedious having to vim into /private/etc/hosts and type in the same few lines every day.

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Your best bet in figuring out what is happening is to use dtrace or fs_usage.

opensnoop (uses DTrace)

sudo opensnoop -f /private/etc/hosts

might reveal something as this example during a disk write operation:

  UID    PID COMM          FD PATH                 
    0  24386 script          3 /private/r00ted           
   65     41 mDNSResponder  76 /private/etc/hosts           
   65     41 mDNSResponder  76 /private/etc/hosts 


sudo fs_usage -f /private/etc/hosts

would output similar to:

15:55:52  open              private/etc/hosts                              0.000085   mDNSResponde
15:55:52  fstat64                                                          0.000002   mDNSResponde
15:55:52  read                                                             0.000006   mDNSResponde
15:55:52  sendto                                                           0.000017   mDNSResponde
15:55:52  recvfrom                                                         0.000004   mDNSResponde

using dtrace opensnoop is much better in my opinion simply because it's easy to use and requires less hunting or refining the command to find what you're looking for.


The problem I was having was actually coming from CISCO AnyConnect VPN Client, overwriting the contents of my etc/hosts file with etc/ on boot.

The post that directly resolved it was found here:

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