Hibernate/JPA one-to-many relationship if parent reference is defined as an ID with no parent reference

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21944946


Standard way to define one-to-many relationship in Hibernate/JPA is to have a reference in a Child object to its Parent object.

public class Parent {
    // ...

    private Set<Child> children;

    // ... 

public class Child {
    // ...

    private Parent parent;

    // ... 

The problem with this method is that Child becomes a heavyweight class, which is harder to send across the wire, etc.

Is it possible to define a one-to-many relationship with no Parent object referenced from Child and with no additional reference/join table? In that case Child class defined as follows:

public class Child {
    // ...

    private Long departmentId;

    // ... 

No correct solution


If you are using JPA 2.0, it is possible OneToMany uni-direction with no parent entity at child entity.


public class Parent {
    @JoinColumn(name = "PARENT_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
    private Set<Child> children;


public class Child {
    // No need to hold parent entity
    //private Parent parent;

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