
I have a DLL I wish to register with my GAC. I enter the command:

gacutil /i c:\temp\msvcr100.dll

and I get the error:

Failure adding assembly to the cache:   The module was expected to contain an as
sembly manifest.

All I have is the DLL. Is there a way to create / fake / bypass it?

For those interested, I am attempting to extract the Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0 CTP from the VHD and run it on my physical box. As a side note, has this been attempted?

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Is this actually a GAC-able DLL? It doesn't seem like it. Maybe it's just reg-able? Why do you want to GAC it?


"For those interested, I am attempting to extract the Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0 CTP from the VHD and run it on my physical box. As a side note, has this been attempted?"

FYI - At this point there is a full ISO image of Beta 1 you can download and legally run on your desktop if you want.

VS 2010 beta 1 on MSDN

It is only for MSDN subscribers at this point though. Will be added to Microsoft downloads later.

EDIT: It is now open for all to download

I've experienced this with (apparently) corrupt dlls (I assume failed copies from USB drives).

Are you sure that "extract[ing] the Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0 CTP from the VHD" doesn't violate the license agreement? If Microsoft wanted you to "run it [VS2010] on my physical box", they would have just made it available as a noraml install.

If you can create the manifest (I'm not sure what one should look like) it's easy enough to just load the DLL into Visual Studio's resource editor (File->Open->File->[select dll]->[click down chevron on the Open button]->Resource View) and just add the manifest to the dll.

I suppose the same process is done when you drag and drop to C:\Windows\assembly?

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