
I am trying to create a file directory but problem is my index page loads but its a blank page. below is what I have


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-GB">
require_once  ("../app/views/nav.php");
<p> test </p>

<a href="<?php fetchdir($views); ?>">TEST</a>

  class directories{
    function __construct(){
    //I am not using a database so I don't know what to put here

    function fetchdir($dir) {

        $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/'; // The website host 
        $protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']),'https') === FALSE ? 'http://' : 'https://'; //The HTTP(S) protocol 
        $branch = ""; // Dirs in URL from host to main folder

        $protocol = $GLOBALS['protocol'];
        $host = $GLOBALS['host'];
        echo $protocol.$host.$branch.$dir;


$views = "views/";
 $root = new directories;

When I try to load the page. I get a blank page but as soon as i remove

<a href="<?php fetchdir($views); ?>">TEST</a>

the page loads.

additional info

My httpd-vhosts.conf looks like this

<VirtualHost *:80> 
  DocumentRoot "c:\Users\MYNAME\web-test\teDt202\web\html" 
  ServerName teDt202.local 
  <Directory c:\Users\MYNAME\web-test\teDt202\web> 
    # Apache 2.2 style access control (DEFAULT)  
    # Order allow,deny  
    # Allow from all 

    # Apache 2.4 style access contol (comment the next line if you're using below Apache 2.4)  
    Require all granted  

    AllowOverride all 
  AddHandler php5-script .htm 

  Alias /main c:\Users\MYNAME\web-test\teDt202\web\main
  RewriteEngine on 
  RewriteCond %{LA-U:REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f 
  RewriteRule /(.*)$ /main/index.php/$1 [NS,PT,L] 


folder sturture

teDt202 <---main folder
  classes <!-- all my class files are in here
  views <!-- I have all my .php files are in here
html <!-- I have my css, js and images files here

please help. thanks

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You have a function called fetchdir() but it resides within a class, therefore you cannot call the function directly without first instantiating this class, and then calling the function as a method of the class its self.

$directories = new directories;

<a href="<?php $directories->fetchdir($views); ?>">TEST</a>
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