
For some reason this jQuery code I have in my site will work on jsFiddle but not locally. The code is the same. I have just copied and pasted it. Can anyone explain to me what is going on?

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Using Chrome's developer tools, you get an error in the console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

Taking a look at the code, you see:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('#workclick').click(function() {


    $('#aboutclick, #contactclick, #introclick').click(function() {
    });​ // here

Some kind of encoding error...


Firebug is complaining about a ​ in your code (line 562), which happens to be an illegal character.

I found a weird hidden character in my Jquery. Not sure where it came from or why it wasnt showing up in my editor, but I got ride of it and it works fine. Thanks for the help everyone!

Sorry for my bad english

i have idea for copy the full source code


  1. click on the Share button

    2 copy the link of on 2 box Share full screen result

3 then go that link(copy link). it show the result

4 then right click, click the view frame source.

Now your source code show

then put on the exact link of the script src and css.

now your code work

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