
i'm using rails4/ruby2 and haml, trying to build a grid layout using helper So i have this grid structure in haml:

      = link_to '', title: '' do
        = image_tag '', alt: '', size: '196x196'

      = link_to '', title: '' do
        = image_tag '', alt: '', size: '196x196'

      = link_to '', title: '' do
        = image_tag '', alt: '', size: '196x196'

      = link_to '', title: '' do
        = image_tag '', alt: '', size: '196x196'

Someone can help me to make a helper for build this grid structure? i want to do this for don't be so DRY repeating many times the elements

No correct solution


Use each_slice! Assuming you have an array of images:

- images.each_slice(2) do |image_column|
    - image_column.each do |image|
        = link_to '', title: '' do
          = image_tag image.path, alt: '', size: '196x196'
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