
Using ASP.NET Web API, is there a way for me to pass in an arbitrary number of parameters using the URI in the same fashion as they are input to a console application using the args keyword. In the Web API case, the parameters would be separated by forward slashes (/). So let's say I have a method in a controller MessageController such as this:

public string Get(params string[] args)
    string returnValue = "";

    for (int i=0;i < args.Length; i++)
        returnValue += args[i] + " ";

    return returnValue;

I would like to go to:


and it should return the string:

a b c d e f g h i

The tricky part is getting the parameters to bind to the type string[] instead of providing an object with multiple string properties. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this? Thank you.

EDIT: The params keyword was left in there but I'm not sure if Web API routing knows how to handle params.

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Here is a great blog post by Tugberk that shows how to do it:

In short you use a combination of a catch all route + HttpParameterBinding.

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