
I have seen in some posts it has been said that to use multiple cores of processor use Boost thread (use multi-threading) library. Usually threads are not visible to operating system. So how can we sure that multi-threading will support usage of multi-cores. Is there a difference between Java threads and Boost threads?

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The operating system is also called a "supervisor" because it has access to everything. Since it is responsible for managing preemptive threads, it knows exactly how many a process has, and can inspect what they are doing at any time.

Java may add a layer of indirection (green threads) to make many threads look like one, depending on JVM and configuration. Boost does not do this, but instead only wraps the POSIX interface which usually communicates directly with the OS kernel.

Massively multithreaded applications may benefit from coalescing threads, so that the number of ready-to-run threads matches the number of logical CPU cores. Reducing everything to one thread may be going too far, though :v) and @Voo says that green threads are only a legacy technology. A good JVM should support true multithreading; check your configuration options. On the C++ side, there are libraries like Intel TBB and Apple GCD to help manage parallelism.

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