
Good day!

I want to know, how to subcribe on WorkItem state changes on TFS 2010\2013?

Should i use WCF?

Please tell we the way.

Thank you.

P.S. i need to get access to tfs workitem changes via c# : when workitem changed- i want to get some notification and do some operations via c#

For example: i have console program,wich get all workitems. But it get by run sheduler. I want to subscribe my program on some event like onWorkItemChanged: when some user change task- program get this changed and do some work.

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There are different ways to achive this. You can do it directly within the process of tfs by implementing an ISubscriber and listening to the WorkitemChangedEvent:

Or using the client API you can register a wcf service to get notified for workitem changes. So you can implement the logic on a different tier.

You can find both implementations here:

The 2010 Version uses the client side way and the 2012 and 2013 versions are using the server side way.


You can use the tool BisSubsribe to register for an event. It can hook up your own service to events occuring in TFS.

TFS has capabilities to set up email notifications. Check this MSDN page for help.

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