
I have an issue with the method Server.MapPath.

I am currently using the method HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("MyPath") to obtain the physical path of "MyPath" in an ApiController, get method.

If I try to use the same method in an ApiController which returns an HttpResponse, it gives the error:

Current is not a member of System.Net.Http.HttpContent

How can I use the method Server.MapPath in the context of an HttpResponseMessage?

(I am working in Visual Basic)

Edit: I am using it like this:

Public Function MyFunc() As HttpResponseMessage
        Dim streamContent = New PushStreamContent(_
                       Function(outputStream, httpContext, transportContent)
Dim lPath = httpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(MyPath)

        .... some code

                End Try
    End Function)
 Dim lResult = New HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
 lResult.Content = streamContent

 Return lResult
    End Try
   End Function
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The second argument passed to your callback function is of type HttpContent. You're effectively hiding HttpContext inside your lambda because you're named that parameter HttpContext. Try:

Dim streamContent = New PushStreamContent(_
    Function(outputStream, content, transportContent) 'Renamed parameter here
             Dim lPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(MyPath)

         '.... some code
         Catch ex As Exception
         End Try
    End Function)

The PushStreamContent constructor definition is:

Public Sub New ( _
    onStreamAvailable As Action(Of Stream, HttpContent, TransportContext) _
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