
Good morning, I have a site where I would like to populate a select passing latitude and longitude of a place. I have create many function in javascript to call google api place search to retrieve places. The problem is that I retrieve an error out of range.

This is my code:

     function change_interest_point(city_id, map, lat, lng){
        var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);

            val = $(this).attr('id');
            icon = $(this).data('icon');
            up206b.placesRequest('',myLatlng,'5000',[val],icon,map, 'interest-point');

var up206b = {};
up206b.placesRequest = function(title,latlng,radius,types,icon,map, select)
    //Parameters for our places request
    var request = {
        location: latlng,
        radius: radius,
        types: types

    var callPlaces = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);, function(results,status){
        $.each(results, function(i,place){
                var placeLoc = place.geometry.location;
                $('#myselect').append('<option value="' + + ', ' + placeLoc.lng() + '">' + + '</option>');


<div id="airport" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="aquarium" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="bus_station" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="car_rental" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="casino" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="church" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="museum" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="night_club" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="park" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="restaurant" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="subway_station" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">
<div id="train_station" class="icon-place" data-icon="icon.png">

And this is the error:

TypeError: this.b[Nb] is not a function

(269 out of range 57)

Logically if I remove the call of search places this error there isn't.

Was it helpful?


Finded the solution.

I need to convert my map into a google map adding this line before the call to placeRequest

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(map),mapOptions);
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