
ember version: * @version 1.4.0 ember-data Version: v0.14

In my store.js

    namespace: "api/v1"

Lost.Store = DS.Store.extend({
    revision: 14,
    adapter: DS.RESTAdapter

Works fine for me. when i route into properties. my RESTAdapter calls


so far so good. except i just need to use ember inflectors to change the "propertys" in call to "properties"

case1: In my store.js after the above mentioned code

var inflector = Ember.Inflector.inflector;
inflector.irregular('property', 'properties');

gives error

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'inflector' of undefined

case 2 In my store.js after the above mentioned code

var inflector = new Ember.Inflector();
inflector.irregular('property', 'properties');

gives error

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

case 3 but when i put it before my Lost.Store

I get error

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'inflector' of undefined application.js:65532
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: You included Ember Data but didn't define Lost.Store 
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I don't think Ember Data version 0.14 has Ember.Inflector. Have you tried upgrading to Ember Data version 1.0.0.beta.6ish.

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