
In my code I have received, by way of a url, a comma delimited list of id's e.g.

12,13,14,15,16 etc..

I have got these into a string (Tools) which I have Split.

I now need to loop through each value and use it in an insert statement but I have got stuck can anyone help.

The C# below is based on an SDK so it is uses some functions that you may not have seen.

string userc = GetContextInfo("User", "UserId");
string tools = Dispatch.EitherField("selectedTools");

string pID = Dispatch.EitherField("key16");

Record recRelTool = new Record("RelatedTools");
recRelTool.SetField("rato_CreatedBy", userc);
recRelTool.SetField("rato_Status", "active");
recRelTool.SetField("rato_server", pID);
recRelTool.SetField("rato_tool", tools);

Where the ("rato_tools", tools) needs to be one of the tool id's in the value I have. I need to loop through until all of the tool id's have been used.

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The call to split does not split your string, it returns an array of strings. You need to enumerate through this array to use one tool id at a time. Try the following:

string userc = GetContextInfo("User", "UserId");
string tools = Dispatch.EitherField("selectedTools");
string[] toolIds = tools.Split(',');
foreach (string toolId in toolIds) 
  Record recRelTool = new Record("RelatedTools");
  recRelTool.SetField("rato_CreatedBy", userc);
  recRelTool.SetField("rato_Status", "active");
  recRelTool.SetField("rato_server", pID);
  recRelTool.SetField("rato_tool", toolId);



you have to assign your split return value:

var splitted = tools.Split(',');

and then you can iterate the collection:

foreach(string item in splitted)
//do something
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