
Trying to understand some assembly language, but I am not sure if I am understanding it correctly

movl 8(%ebp),%eax // assign %eax to a variable, say var
testl %eax,%eax // test if var is > 0 or not. if var is > 0, jump to .L3
jge .L3
addl $15,%eax // add 15 to var
sarl $4,%eax // shift var 4 to the right , which is the same as multiplying var by 16

given by above understanding, I wrote the following code

int function(int x){    
    int var = x;    
    if(var>0) {
        ret = ret * 16;
    ret = ret + 15;    
    return ret;        

however, my assembly code looks like the following

movl 8(%ebp), %ebp
movl %eax. %edx
sall $4, %edx
test1 %eax, %eax
cmovg %edx, %eax
addl $15, %eax

am I misunderstanding the original assembly code somewhere?

Edit: is there perhaps a loop involved?

No correct solution


Notice that the code continues with the shift even after the addition, and that jge also includes the equal case. Thus the code could look more like this:

int function(int x) {
    int ret = x;
    if (ret >= 0) goto skip_add;
    ret = ret + 15;
    ret = ret / 16;
    return ret;

Or, to avoid the goto, reverse the condition:

int function(int x) {
    int ret = x;
    if(ret < 0) {
        ret = ret + 15;
    ret = ret / 16;
    return ret;

PS: shifting right is division, shifting left would be multiplication.

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