
DISCLAIMER: Coding novice

C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/Evolution/PycharmProjects/MCMODVERSION/stuff/
<open file 'C:\\Users\\Evolution\\Desktop\\mods\\AT_StalkerCreepers_1.6.4.jar', mode 'r' at 0x026F6A18>
Traceback (most recent call last):
<zipfile.ZipFile object at 0x02736EB0>
  File "C:/Users/Evolution/PycharmProjects/MCMODVERSION/stuff/", line 80, in <module>
<open file 'C:\\Users\\Evolution\\Desktop\\mods\\BC_AdditionalPipes2.6.0-BC4.2.1.jar', mode 'r' at 0x026F6AC8>
    o = t.getdirList()
  File "C:/Users/Evolution/PycharmProjects/MCMODVERSION/stuff/", line 36, in getdirList
    self.getModinfo(os.path.join(p, o[n]), 'name')
  File "C:/Users/Evolution/PycharmProjects/MCMODVERSION/stuff/", line 46, in getModinfo
    y = zipfile.ZipFile(x)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 766, in __init__
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 832, in _RealGetContents
    raise BadZipfile("Truncated central directory")
zipfile.BadZipfile: Truncated central directory

Process finished with exit code 1

Code being executed:

def getdirList(self):
    p = 'C:\Users\Evolution\Desktop\mods'
    o = [f for f in listdir(p) if isfile(join(p, f))]
    for mod in range(len(o)):
        print o[mod]
        self.getModinfo(os.path.join(p, o[mod]), 'name')

def getModinfo(self,mod,type):
    """ Types:
    modid, name, description, version, mcversion, url
    updateurl, authors, credits, dependencies """
    x = file(mod)
    print x
    print zipfile.is_zipfile(x)
    y = zipfile.ZipFile(x)
    print y

Fixed up code:

def getdirList(self):
    p = r'C:\Users\Evolution\Desktop\mods'
    o = [f for f in listdir(p) if isfile(join(p, f))]
    for mod in range(len(o)):
        print o[mod]
        self.getModinfo(os.path.join(p, o[mod]), 'name')

def getModinfo(self,mod,type):
    """ Types: modid, name, description, version, mcversion, 
    url, updateurl, authors, credits, dependencies """
        x = open(mod, 'rb')
        y = zipfile.ZipFile(x)
        z =
        #print z
        #zz = self.parseIt(z, '%s": ' % type, ',')
        #print zz
    except KeyError:
        print "ERROR: %s has no %s file!" % (x, self.minfo)
        print "%s" % "-" * 50

Now I run a check as you can see that says the zip file is, infact, a zip file. This exception is throw for more than half the files. .jar and .zip

Yes I have manually opened them, they are not corrupt or locked or anything. Is there something I can do or perhaps another library I can use for manipulation of achrives in python?


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Zip files are binary files. To handle the binary file correctly you should open the file with binary mode.

Replace following line:

x = file(mod)


x = file(mod, 'rb')

BTW, escape \ in the directory path, or use raw string literal. (This is not a direct cause of the problem, but someday escape sequence will trouble you)

'C:\\Users\\Evolution\\Desktop\\mods' # escape


r'C:\Users\Evolution\Desktop\mods'    # raw string literal (`r` prefix)
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