
I'm trying to pass the configuration values returned from the server(zookeeper) into compass (cdnHost, environment, etc) and seem to be having a hard time using the right approach.

I looked at ways to pass around args from one task to another on this page as a starting point

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        compass: {
            dist: {
                //options: grunt.option('foo')
                options: grunt.config.get('baz')


    grunt.registerTask('compassWithConfig', 'Run compass with external async config loaded first', function () {
        var done = this.async();
        someZookeeperConfig( function () {
            // some global.CONFIG object from zookeeper
            var config = CONFIG;
            // try grunt.option
            grunt.option('foo', config);
            // try config setting
            grunt.config.set('bar', config);
            // try global
            global['baz'] = config;


    grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'compassWithConfig', 'compass']);

I also tried calling the compass task directly, and it made no difference.'compass');

Any insights would be greatly appreciated. (e.g. way to use initConfig and have the value be available).


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When you write:

    compass: {
        dist: {
            options: grunt.config.get('baz')

... grunt.config is called right away, and returns the value of baz as it is right now. Altering it (later) in another task simply won't get picked-up.

How to solve that?

#1: update compass.dist.options instead of updating baz

grunt.registerTask('compassWithConfig', 'Run compass with external async config loaded first', function () {
    var done = this.async();
    someZookeeperConfig( function () {
        // some global.CONFIG object from zookeeper
        var config = CONFIG;
        grunt.config.set('compass.dist.options', config);

Now, running task compassWithConfig first, then task compass will get the result you expect.

#2: wrap-up compass task execution in order to abstract away config mapping

grunt.registerTask('wrappedCompass', '', function () {
    grunt.config.set('compass.dist.options', grunt.config.get('baz'));'compass');

// Then, you can manipulate 'baz' without knowing how it needs to be mapped for compass

grunt.registerTask('globalConfigurator', '', function () {
    var done = this.async();
    someZookeeperConfig( function () {
        // some global.CONFIG object from zookeeper
        var config = CONFIG;
        grunt.config.set('baz', config);

Finally, running task globalConfigurator then wrappedCompass will get you to the result.

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