
I am working with MS Dynamics CRM 2013 and I am facing with the next issue: in CRM 2011 I disabled view and entity selection on lookup by using next jscript :

document.getElementById("lookup_id").setAttribute("disableViewPicker", "1");
document.getElementById("lookup_id").setAttribute("defaulttype", "1"); 
document.getElementById("lookup_id").setAttribute("lookuptypenames", "account:1:Account");
document.getElementById("lookup_id").setAttribute("lookuptypes", "1");

But after migration to Dynamics Crm 2013 this script doesn't work any more.

Can you help me with this issue. Thanks!

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Try to add "_i" with attributeId e.g
contactid is your lookup attribute name, then you should pass like

document.getElementById("contactid_i").setAttribute("disableViewPicker", "1");
document.getElementById("contactid_i").setAttribute("defaulttype", "1");
document.getElementById("contactid_i").setAttribute("lookuptypes", "1");

In crm 2011 attribute input id is same as attribute name, but in crm 2013 attribute input id is attribute name plus "_i"(perhaps "_i" denotes an input).
I try this "_i" in masking and multipicker lists working perfect for 2013. Hope it helps in your case.


you can also disable it in customization, In the form, when editing the lookup

select in "View selector" -> off

Best practice is to use the Xrm.Page object:


Gareth Tucker has a great JavaScript reference for Dynamics CRM.

Using the DOM directly is unsupported in Dynamics CRM; the current code you have may break again after an update-rollup is installed. See the JavaScript Programming Best Pratices on this MSDN page.

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