
I have to search a number-field with wildcards. The corresponding JQPL query would be like this:

SELECT e From Entity e where e.personNumber LIKE :numberPattern

numberPattern is a String like this: "1??2" and e.personNumber is a Number on the Database (H2).

If i run this with JQPL it's no Problem at all but I can't put it into a queryDSL query.

when I try to


I get a

org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: "str (" bei Zeichen 7 gefunden, erwartet wurde jedoch ["(", "+", ...

If i try to do it like this:

Constant<String> constant = (Constant<String>) Expressions.constant(personNummer);
PredicateOperation predicateOperation = new PredicateOperation(Ops.LIKE, entity.personNumber, Expressions.constant(constant));

the result will be a

Data conversion error converting "1*"; SQL statement:
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1*"

So, is there a way to have a like operation on an number field with queryDSL?

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Did you try this

PredicateOperation predicateOperation = new PredicateOperation(Ops.LIKE,
  entity.personNumber, Expressions.constant("1%"));

I will see why the stringValue() expression doesn't work for OpenJPA.

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