
How to dynamically (in code behind) select few items in Windows Phone Toolkit's LongListMultiSelector. The property SelectedItems has no setter.

My code:

 private async void GetGenres()
        var genres = await App.MusClient.GetGenresAsync();

        var preferencedGenresIdsList = App.GetFromIsoStorage<List<string>>(App.GENRES_IDS_KEY_STRING);

        GenresListBox.ItemsSource = genres;

        foreach (var item in GenresListBox.ItemsSource)
            if (preferencedGenresIdsList.Contains(((Genre)item).Id))
                LongListMultiSelectorItem container = GenresListBox.ContainerFromItem(item) as LongListMultiSelectorItem;
                if (container != null)
                    container.IsSelected = true;

        if (genres.Result == null || genres.Count == 0)
            MessageBox.Show("No results available");

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I found solution

private async void GetGenres()
        var genres = await App.MusClient.GetGenresAsync();

        var preferencedGenresIdsList = App.GetFromIsoStorage<List<string>>(App.GENRES_IDS_KEY_STRING);

        GenresListBox.ItemsSource = genres;

        foreach (var item in GenresListBox.ItemsSource)
            if (preferencedGenresIdsList.Contains(((Genre)item).Id))
                LongListMultiSelectorItem container = GenresListBox.ContainerFromItem(item) as LongListMultiSelectorItem;
                if (container != null)
                    container.IsSelected = true;

        if (genres.Result == null || genres.Count == 0)
            MessageBox.Show("No results available");


Reason it didn't work is because item is not created on UI yet. GenresListBox.ScrollTo(item); - forces UI to create element!

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