
I read over the guide here: which describes the changes to Cake for version 2.0, but it doesn't explicitly say how to make the upgrade.

I also saw this: which I figured would give a little more instruction.

So far this is what I've done to the existing version (1.3) on my server.

  1. Went and grabbed the zipped copy of 2.0 from the repo here:
  2. Added the new index.php file into my webroot
  3. Noticed that the new cake core folder exists one level within the parent directory lib so it's (webroot)/lib/Cake instead of (webroot)/cake. So now in my webroot I have my old '/cakecore, and now a folder called/libwhich contains the new core (2.0) and my old '/app folder as well as the old '/vendors` folder.
  4. I ran from inside /lib/Cake/Console this command: ./Console/cake upgrade all which scrolled a bunch of stuff like:

    Done updating /home/bob_cobb/public_html/

  5. This didn't change anything in my original /app folder as all controllers are still underscored and lowercase.

What am I missing here? I renamed my old /cake core folder and the site stopped working, so it's obviously still relying on that. Should I just scrap everything and start over (delete 1.3 completely while saving all my old files and just re-create them with a fresh version of 2.0)?

Any advice on how to get this migration process going would help greatly. I expect a few things to not work anymore, but I just need a push in the right direction. Thanks.

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If you use the core one you might need to do more than just run the upgrade shell to make that happen.

I use an enhanced version which should convert everything with a single click. See "Upgrade using the upgrade shell" @

But most importantly you should always run your scripts from the app dir

 app2.0dir>..\lib\Cake\Console\cake Upgrade ...

This way it will find the correct paths

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