
this is xml file that i created using LINQ.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
      <project id="2">
        <source id="2">

i have used this following code.

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click

        Dim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("\\Demo.xml")
        Dim oDept = doc.Descendants().Elements("project").FirstOrDefault()

        Dim oEmp As New XElement("project")
        oEmp.Add(New XAttribute("id", 3))

        Dim src As New XElement("source")
        src.Add(New XAttribute("id", 3))
        src.Add(New XElement("category", 3))

        oEmp.Add(New XElement("name", 3))
        oEmp.Add(New XElement("category", 3))

        MessageBox.Show("Added Succefully!")
 End Sub

i want to add src in oEmp using this code. Example : oEmp.Element("source").Add(src)

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The way to add XElement as child of another XElement is simply call .Add() in the parent element passing child element as parameter. You already done that with <name> and <category> element here :

oEmp.Add(New XElement("name", 3))
oEmp.Add(New XElement("category", 3))

So it should be the same for <source> element :

Dim src As New XElement("source")
src.Add(New XAttribute("id", 3))
src.Add(New XElement("category", 3))

Another thing, your code doesn't use oEmp element created in the end. If I understand what you're after correctly, you should add it as child of the root element (<projects>) this way before saving doc :

Dim root = doc.Root;
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