
I have a mobile application on a windows ce 6.0 device. The device sometimes is sent to suspend by a hardwarebutton. I want to do some tasks, as soon, the device is resumed.

Is it possible to check in a .net cf-program, if the device was resumed?


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Thanks for your answers...

On further reasearching I found a event in OpenNETCF, fitting just my needs.

The event OpenNETCF.WindowsCE.PowerManagement.PowerUp is fired, when resuming a device - everything works fine here...


According to this previous question, it's not possible without resorting to P/Invoke or a 3rd-party library.

Yep. you have to subscribe to the PowerNotification queue and then watch for the resume event that is fired after the suspend/resume cycle. Here is a CF class that implements this without the OpenNetCF monster:

The above is part of my 'What wakes up your device' article at

But use OpenNetCF if you need more of the functionality implemented by OpenNetCF.

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