
When add aws-java-sdk to pom.xml, my existing @JsonIgnore annotation doesn't work anymore. But when I delete Amazon SDK (aws-java-sdk) from the pom file, JsonIgnore works well. It is quite weird situation and I don't know the reason.

Jackson version is 1.9.13 and Amazon SDK version is 1.6.12.

I need to use @JsonIgnore to prevent circular reference on Hibernate models. I also need to use Amazon SDK to work with Amazon S3.

Any help would be appreciated.


Class Car  {
    private String title;
    private Model model;

Class Model  {
    @JoinColumn(name="manufacturer_id", referencedColumnName="id")
    private Manufacturer manufacturer;

Class Manufacturer {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "manufacturer")
    private List<Model> models;
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@Matt B is right... The AWS SDK has a dependency on jackson-annotations, jackson-databind, and jackson-core. The use of @JsonIgnore changed after Jackson v1.9:

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