
I want to be able to split a string with ',' as a delimiter, and only trim whitespace on the sides of the resulting split. For example:

string str = "The, quick brown, fox";
string[] splitsWithTrim = str.split(',', also trim whitespace somehow?);
foreach (string s in splitsWithTrim)

//output wanted:
//quick brown
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You can use LINQ after Split:

string str = "The, quick brown, fox";
string[] splitsWithTrim = str.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToArray();

Or you can change your seperator to ", " (comma + space).It is also work for this case because there is only one white-space after each comma:

string[] splitsWithTrim = str.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None);


For a Non-Linq solution, you just need to add one xtra line of code in solution

string str = "The, quick brown, fox";
string[] splitsWithTrim = str.split(',', also trim whitespace somehow?);
foreach (string s in splitsWithTrim)

Another way:

string str = "The, quick brown, fox"; 
string[] result = Regex.Split(str, @"\s*,\s*");
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