
At the moment each team is assigned a value e.g team1.txt == 1
So when i render the graph each team has a continuous line along the x-axis (timeline).
The y-axis has values 1 .. 3, how could i change the y-axis' labels?
So that instead of seeing 1 as first metric on y-axis, I saw team1.txt .. then next value on y-axis would be team2.txt


<div id="content">
    <div class="demo-container">
        <div id="placeholder" class="demo-placeholder">
<div id="chartLegend"></div>


text = '[{"name":"team1.txt","points":[[1389340501000,1],[1389370501000,1],[1389873602000,1],[1390046402000,1],[1390078402000,1]]},{"name":"team2.txt","points":[[1389370501000,2],[1389441601000,2],[1389528002000,2]]},{"name":"team3.txt","points":[[1389370501000,3],[1389441601000,3],[1389441601000,3]]}]';
var datasets = JSON.parse(text);

var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < datasets.length; i++) {
    data.push({label: datasets[i].name, data: datasets[i].points});

$.plot($("#placeholder"), data, {
    xaxis: {
        mode: "time",
        min: (new Date(2014, 1, 1)).getTime(),
        max: (new Date()).getTime()
    series: {
        stack: true,
        lines: {
            show: true
        points: {
            show: true
    grid: {
        hoverable: true,
        clickable: true
    legend: {
        noColumns: 5,
        container: $("#chartLegend")
Was it helpful?


You can use a tickFormatter function for that:

yaxis: {
    tickFormatter: function (val, axis) {
        if (datasets[val - 1])
            return datasets[val - 1].name;
            return '';

See this fiddle for a working demo.

PS: I had to change the xaxis min value to new Date(2014, 0, 1) (January is month 0, see here).



yaxis:{mode: "categories", tickLength:0}

That works for me, adds all different strings values i have automatically(when they are sendt in as y point). here is a fiddle

remmenber to add this script:

You could also use something like:

yaxis: { ticks: [[0, 'true'], [1, 'false']] }

.. if your values are predefined.

Hope it helps :)

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