
Here is the deal guys:
I'm making a stat generator. The program has a menu(not fully developed in this program, but I have previous code that will work)It asks for a name and then stores it to Character1.
Then it prompts that it is generating your scores.The function GenerateScore() takes 3 random numbers with the range 1-6 each, adds them together and returns the sum.

I want this to loop 6 times and store total into the array Stats[6].
Then I am sending the Character1 and the array to the txt file called charactersave.txt.
It saves whatever name I input each time but I get this when I open the txt file. I get this


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated,

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int GenerateScore(); 

int main()
    int Stats[6];
    char Selection;
    string Character1;
    int i;

        cout << "Hello, welcome to my character generator. Please select an option"     << endl;// Menu Options
        cout << "A: Create Character Name and generate stats" << endl;
        cout << "B: Display Name and Stats" << endl;
        cout << "C: Quit" << endl;

        cin >> Selection; // Menu Selection
        cout << endl;

            if ( (Selection == 'a') || (Selection == 'A') )// if user selects a, this happens
                cout << "Welcome, Before you can start your adventures you must name your character." << endl;
                cout << "Please enter your a name." << endl;// prompts user to enter a name for their Caracter
                cin >> Character1;              

                cout << "Thank you now lets generate your stats." << endl;
                for (i=0; i<6;i++)// I Want this to run the function GenerateScore() 6 times and input each result into the next element of Stats[6]
                        GenerateScore()>> Stats[i];


                ofstream savecharinfo("charactersave.txt");// saves the Name and the filled array Stats[6] to the charactersave.txt file
                        savecharinfo << Character1;
                        for(int i = 0; Stats[i]; i++)
                                savecharinfo << Stats[i]; //writing numbers of values2 in the file
                        else cout << "File could not be opened." << endl;

                break;// this is unfinished after this point
while ( (Selection != 'c') || (Selection == 'C') ); // ends the program if c or C is entered.


    return 0;

int GenerateScore()
    int roll1 = rand()%6+2;
    int roll2 = rand()%6+2;
    int roll3 = rand()%6+2;
    int sum;


      return sum;
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>> can only be used for std::ostream to achieve streaming behavior.


GenerateScore()>> Stats[i];


Stats[i] = GenerateScore();
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