
I am currently working on a menu that uses superfish. It is completely customizable via css but I am experiencing a very very frustrating problem.

The 2nd tier menu somehow inherits values from I-know-not-where and whatever I do to change it completely destroys the entire layout. It looks as if the text is somehow an entire line further down then it should be. The mouseover style is working as it should be however.

Another frustrating thing is that I need to move the text from the tier1 menu items to the bottom of the bar - nothing I have tried so far has moved only the text and not the entire item. If anyone has a solution for that it would be greatly appreciated as well.

you can see what I mean here: it concerns the tier 2menues on menu item 2 and 5 (Leistungen & Kontakt)

here is the code I believe is responsible for the problem: the entire code here:

Thanks a ton!!!

.sf-menu {
    float:          left;
    margin-bottom:  1em;


.sf-menu a {
    text-indent: 7px;

.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited  {
    /* visited pseudo selector so IE6 applies text colour*/
    color: #333;

.sf-menu li {       /*///////////// menu lvl 1 /////////////*/
    color:          #333;
    width:          118px;
    line-height:    85px;
    font-weight:    normal;
    font-size:      14px;
    background:     url(../images/menu/menuitem.png);

.sf-menu li a:focus, .sf-menu li a:hover, .sf-menu li a:active {
    color:          #DDD;
    line-height:    85px;
    background:     url(../images/menu/menuitem-mo.png);

.sf-menu li li {    /*///////////// submenu lvl 2 ///////////////////*/
    color:      #ddd;
    font-size:  12px;
    top:        50px;
    height:     26px;
    background:     url(../images/png_black40per.png);

.sf-menu li li a:focus, .sf-menu li li a:hover, .sf-menu li li a:active {
    color: #333;
    line-height: 26px;
    background: url(../images/png_white40per.png);
Was it helpful?


In response to your new problem - that the text is at the top now instead of the bottom - change the height of your anchor elements <a> and add some padding-top:

/* superfish.css line 59 */
.sf-menu a {
    height:         50px; /* ADDED */
    padding-top:            35px; /* ADDED */
/* superfish.css line 78 */
.sf-menu li a:focus, .sf-menu li a:hover, .sf-menu li a:active {
    color:          #DDD;
    height:         50px; /* CHANGED */
    background:     url(../images/menu/menuitem-mo.png);
    padding-top:            35px; /* ADDED */

... if you can't edit superfish.css add a rule like this one somewhere else:

#site-content .sf-menu li a {
    height:         50px;
    padding-top:            35px;

PS Please update the question body to reflect the changes in your question ;)

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