
The copy of joomla i'm using is edited by the super administrator to not to show the unnecessary menus like installing/uninstalling modules etc etc.. but now, i want to set the permissions of Jcomments and i can't find the menu anywhere to do that.. i found a simple settings page using administrator/index.php?option=com_jcomments&task=settings

but i can't get to the permissions page since it uses ajax(i guess).. i thought of editing the setting in the Database directly but that'd be a very bad practice.. so,

1) Can anyone tell me how to enable those menus or at least how to reach them.

2) If not possible i wanna uninstall the old version of Jcomments and install it with a new one

please pour in your advices and suggetions :)

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You can change the menu in


and the menu permissions in


However, if you even can't (un)install something, I think you are only a Manager (not Administrator). (Can you create new Users?) So maybe it's just Joomla that is adapting the menu to your role's permission. More infos to user roles at Joomla! Docs.


It sounds like the administration template has been changed. The default template is "khepri" located at /administrator/templates/khepri. See if you can find a way to revert to that.

All templates will be folders under /administrator/templates, apart from a system folder which is always there. If khepri is the only template on the system, you'll have to dig into the HTML (look at index.php in that folder) and see if options have been removed or commented out.

If you still can't get the menus back, just download a fresh copy of Joomla and copy the khepri folder from that to your current version.

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