
html 5 form contains two radio buttons. How to force user to select one radion button before submitting form ? I tried to use required but there is not radio button group, required shoult applited to group.

<form action="/Home/Sendtitle" method="post">
  Title*  <span>
        <input name="staatus" type="radio" value="Mister" autofocus>&nbsp;
        <input name="staatus" type="radio" value="Missis">&nbsp;

  <input type="submit" value="Send title" >

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Solution 3

You can use the property required as its a boolean attribute that solve ur problem. required="required"


Use required attribute.

<input name="staatus" type="radio" value="Missis" required>

You just need to set the required-attribute for one input of the radiogroup, but you can set it for all.

<form action="/Home/Sendtitle" method="post">
  Title*  <span>
        <input name="staatus" type="radio" value="Mister" autofocus required>&nbsp;
        <input name="staatus" type="radio" value="Missis">&nbsp;

  <input type="submit" value="Send title" >


And you can use it once:

    <input name="status" type="radio" value="Mister" autofocus required="required">&nbsp;
    <input name="status" type="radio" value="Missis">&nbsp;
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